Initially One Months’ booking (4 weekly Sessions) is a MUST:

  • Classes will be arranged according to students’ convenience.
  • We will give  a free 30 mins demo class before schedule regular classes.
  • Classes will be scheduled according to students’ choice – online/offline.
  • We will let you know the login procedure before 15 minutes of the trial class.
  • Fees will be $35  for 45 minutes’ session.


  1. Fees: $35 for 45 Minutes’ Session.
  2. Minimum One month’s booking (4 Weekly Sessions) is a MUST.
  3. Fee is non-refundable.  However, missed sessions with minimum 24 hours advance/prior intimation shall be re-scheduled and those without prior intimation shall be considered lapsed.
  4. Students younger than 18 years’ old shall be required to be present at the session location along with their parent/s for the entire session duration.

Registration Form